Thursday, March 12, 2009

From the Horses Mouth

All of a sudden Jamie Dimon, Vikram Pandit, and Ken Lewis have come out of relative hiding to announce that their companies, JP Morgan, Citi, and Bank of America respectively, are now turning a profit. These announcements bother me in a couple of ways.
One, if they turned a profit in January and February where were they in February saying they had become profitable and their stock prices were plummeting. It seems to me tat they may have gotten a small little elbow nudge from the Treasury to get out in the public eye and let the public know the TARP is working.
Two, and most importantly, these are the same people who ran us into this mess and they are turning a profit. That should go to show you how easy it is to make money as a bank in these times. With all the money being given out to banks from the government and the flight to safety people are having out of equities and into more secure liquid assests its no wonder they are finally making a profit.
We will see how long it lasts.

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